About Us

The Wandering Friends and Family

Great memories were made as a group of moms, daughters, and granddaughters experienced an epic tour of Europe in 2004. Word got out, friends and family joined in on the fun, and the wanderlust began. The group has grown and so many friendships forged over the years that this group truly has become family. From trains, planes, boats, trams, and cable cars - hotels made of salt, jungle cabins, and big city high rises, the journeys have been fun, educational, and have created so many memories.

To find out a little about the WanderingFriends, scroll down for bios, spotlights, and how they keep busy!


Postcards from Kandy

Kandy started traveling with the Wandering Friends in 2009 to Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. She brings fun and laughter to every tour and we are excited to travel with her again soon!


Postcards from Carolyn

Carolyn has traveled extensively around the globe. She and her husband, Dan, most recently went back to Italy with us and trekked the Cinque Terre. She is always in for adventure and we are looking forward to our next exploration!


Postcards from Valerie

Valerie started her journey with our group in Ireland. Since then, not only has she not missed a trip, but she has also explored the world extensively with her grandkids. Always great to have her along!

Working hard for travel

Make it stand out.

Work Hard ~ Travel Hard!

See what our WanderingFriends are up to when they are not on the road, or on a camel. :)

Spotlight on Sarah!

  • Sarah is an avid world traveler and has joined us in Greece, Egypt, and Jordan

    Some little known facts about Sarah:

    Her dad was Wayne Cleveland, a direct descendant of Moses Cleveland - yep, THE Moses Cleveland that founded the beautiful city on Lake Erie.

  • Yes, THE Cleveland!

    According to Sarah’s 9 year old grand daughter, the family owns the city. I will ask permission to cross the border next time I am in town.

  • There is more!

    Her GGGGG uncle Edward Preble (August 15, 1761-August 25, 1807) was the Commodore of the USS Constitution in Tripoli. He is considered America’s first navel hero. Commodore Preble hung out with our country’s founders, including a Mr. Thomas Jefferson.

    Her passion for genealogy extends to her love of history in her home town, You will find her volunteering her time at the museum in Alexandria, Ohio.

Spotlight on Gracie!

  • Gracie is the granddaughter of our long time Wanderer, Ellie

    Ellie’s dad was an artist and shared with Gracie his love for drawing, painting, and creating. Gracie loved the stories of how Mimi (Ellie’s mom) and granddad lived in Rome in the early 1950’s while he pursued his craft.

  • Babington's Tea Room

    Great granddad and Mimi rented a villa on the coast from the family that owned Babington’s Tea Room. They spent many happy afternoons sipping tea at Babington’s.

    This is a photo of Ellie and the manager of Babingtons on our 2019 trip to Italy.

  • The Dream

    Gracie was very close to her granddad and Mimi. The dream is to find those cobbled streets in Rome and enjoy a proper tea where her great grandparents began their lives together.